It is my hope that, as we come together, we help those consciousness-seekers from
all walks of life spark that intuitive voice that encourages wellness, good health,
and a sense of wholeness with the universe around them. We hope they will be able
to achieve a feeling of inner peace and outer well-being that will assist in achieving
the “wholeness" necessary as they tap into their own individual journey.
To further support your journey, we offer special events to assist, encourage and
offer guidance to you as you to begin your journey to well-being. We encourage you
to join us.
Oct. 27, 2016: Medium Fest – Medium Fest is a celebration that invites the public to
have fun and celebrate the spirits by coming dressed as you were in a past life.
The South Shore’s finest readers will be available to guide you on your own path
to enlightenment. Offering angel and psychic readings, aura photography, Reiki,
chair massage and energy healing, all available to open your mind and free your
spirit, allowing you to become open to your own healing process and connect to the
universal community.
Dec. 3, 2016: Holiday Fair Trade Shopping Fest – For conscious shoppers looking to
get meaningful, purposeful, holiday gifts for the mind, body and soul. Shop outside
the "big box" for unique items and support more than 40 creative, local artisans
showcasing their handmade, inspirational products made with love and care.
April 2, 2017: Healthy Living’s Magazine’s 15th Anniversary in Publishing – Enjoy
a day-long experience, celebrating 15 years of healthy living. This is a wonderful
opportunity to meet the practitioners whom you’ve found on the pages of Healthy
Living Magazine over the past 15 years. They are our healers, yoga instructors,
expressive artists, teachers
11th Annual Healthy Living Expo, 180 Water Street, 1620 Hotel, Formally
The Radisson Plymouth Hotel.
Since 2002 Healthy Living Magazine has been the premier regional health magazine for Southeastern Mass and NOW includes Cape Cod Communities. Published and Founded by Candita Mamet, mother of 3, who wanted to bring preventative measures to those wanting to live a healthy lifestyle.
Based on a survey of 100 attendees at our 2012 Healthy Living Annual Wellness Expo. HL Magazine is the leading resource for optimal living South of Boston and most recently to the Cape. Its readership is thoughtful and pro-active, making conscious decisions for their lives every day.
That's why
HL Magazine readers:
* Read every issue - 87%
* Read HL Magazine cover-to-cover - 78%
* Keep HL Magazine for more than two months - 43%
* Collect them - 38%
Educated, curious, thoughtful and decisive,
HL Magazine readers have:
* Learned something new from reading HL Magazine- 65%
* Found programs and services that they were not previously aware of - 74%
* Used a service as a result of learning about it - 46%
* 50% of HL Magazine readers pass along the magazine to at least another reader.

Each issue Healthy Livings advertisers
and writers provide the tools you need to assist
you on your personal path to wellness. We feature
articles by both nationally known authors and local
leaders in the natural health field. Additionally, we
bring you news and events that are happening in
our community-and around the globe.
Reach our affluent, well-educated and
health-conscious readers who are eagerly
seeking resources that will improve their
health and well-being. With wide distribution
throughout Southern New England and Cape Cod,
Healthy Living is picked up bi-yearly at your local
health food stores, fitness centers, book
stores, health care facilities, and wherever
free publications are generally seen.
Compare our rates-they are the most reasonable
you will find. Your ad in Healthy Living works for
you much longer than in daily or weekly publications-
and readers tell us they keep and refer back to their issues.
6′ Table Top Exhibit —
$125 Non-Advertiser rate. $75 Advertisers Rate
4' Banner are permitted to hang off the tables, not supplied
Includes: 6′ skirted table, 2 folding chairs, booth ID sign.
6′ Table Top Exhibit —
$125 Non-Advertiser rate. $75 Advertisers Rate
4' Banner are permitted to hang off the tables, not supplied
Includes: 6′ skirted table, 2 folding chairs, booth ID sign.
• 12′ wide x 7′ deep Against the Wall — $400 Advertisers only
8′ high banners are permitted, not supplied
Includes: 8′ skirted table, 2 folding chairs, booth ID sign, business listing in program guide.
• 8′ wide x 6′ deep, Center Tables — $250
$325 Non-Advertiser rate. $250 Advertisers Rate
6' Banner are permitted to hang off the tables, not supplied
Includes: 6′ skirted table, 2 folding chairs, booth ID sign, back drape, business listing in program guide.
• 6′ Table Top Exhibit —
$250 Non-Advertiser rate. $175 Advertisers Rate
4' Banner are permitted to hang off the tables, not supplied
Includes: 6′ skirted table, 2 folding chairs, booth ID sign, business listing in program guide.
HLMAG welcomes and encourages community participation!
Your editorial submissions are what make HL MAG a community resource.
Articles should be written in layman's terms, and impart information in a way that does not sound self-serving
250-1200 words
What's new? Share it with us!
50 to 250 words
Referring to a new health fact
or leading-edge research information
50 to 250 words
Use the power of the web to increase your visibility.
All HL MAGAZINE advertisers are exposed to the world on our website as well as through an online, downloadable PDF of the most recent issue of HL Magazine.
* Showcasing the best of the wellness community, green resources and sustainable living
* Community news
* Up-to-date listings of events, classes, workshops, support groups, and clinics
* Archived issues of HL Mag
We have many options for banner placements, sponsored editorials, and listings in our professional directory and event calendar.
As of June 2013 we have had 82,000 hits to the website. It is tailored to keep health conscious people informed and entertained online.
Advertising Policy
We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we believe is incompatible with our mission. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertisement we deem competitive or contrary to the best interests of the company.
The following guidelines govern various aspects of advertising within the Healthy Living network. Healthy Living has sole and absolute discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of this policy and all other issues associated with advertising and promotion. Healthy Living may change this policy at any time at its sole discretion by posting a revised policy.
1. Healthy Living has sole discretion for determining the types of advertising and promotion that will be accepted and displayed on the Sites. The presence of an ad on our Sites or in e-mail communications does not imply endorsement of the advertised company or product. Healthy Living is not responsible for the content or accuracy of third-party advertisements.
2. Healthy Living will not accept advertising that, in our sole opinion, is not in good taste. We will not permit the placement of a) advertising for illegal or objectionable products or services, or b) advertising that is offensive to any individual or group of individuals based on age, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap.
3. Advertising will not be accepted if it promotes any of the following: pharmaceuticals, alcohol, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, gambling, pornography, tobacco, claims of healing remedies or cures.
4. Healthy Living prefers to work with advertisers who share our mission.
5. Healthy Living recognizes and maintains a separation between advertising content and editorial and decision-making content. Advertising content on the Sites is clearly labeled as such. Sponsored areas are also labeled, and the sponsoring organizations are identified.
6. Healthy Living retains the exclusive right to determine the way in which any and all search results for specific information by keyword or topic are displayed on the Sites. We may display search results based on monetary incentives provided by advertisers.
7. Various Sites may identify users by log in, cookies, or other Web identifiers. Pricing of advertisers product or services need to be visible to our end user before contact information is obtained. We do not allow this type of advertising in any manner.
8. Healthy Living reserves the right to reject, cancel, or remove any advertising from our Sites for any reason at any time. We will provide reasonable notice to the advertiser upon rejection, cancellation, or removal of any advertising.
9. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to comply with all applicable domestic and foreign laws and regulations. If Healthy Living becomes aware of any breach or potential breach of any applicable law or regulation, or of this Policy, we may remove the advertising.
10. No advertising shall be permitted that may injure the good name or reputation of Healthy Living.